This module will critically evaluate and discuss waste and effluent disposal at feedlots, abattoirs or game culling operations. It will explain the OIE Terrestrial Animal Code guidelines on disposal of carcass materials, as well as investigate, list and compare disposal and biosecurity measures for condemned materials and biological waste. Relevant legislation for waste and effluent management will be described and its use in the red meat/game industry in South Africa explained. The meaning of the “carbon footprint” in production animals will be discussed and species differences highlighted. Management strategies for reducing the environmental impacts of producing and processing red meat and game will be critically evaluated.
Biosecurity is the application of a set of measures aimed at reducing the risk of introduction of diseases into a herd, area or country. Particularly in Africa, where infectious and parasitic diseases are common, the safe transport and disposal of diseased production animals and infected animal products are essential. Both during culling operations and at abattoirs, disposal of carcasses, contaminated offal and effluents are part of biosecurity measures to protect individual farmers and the national herd. Legislated norms and practical logistics for application of biosecurity measures will be examined and discussed.
The module will also promote an understanding of the salient features of biosecurity measures for feedlots and abattoirs during outbreaks of common contagious and listed diseases of slaughter-stock.
Other relevant information
- Meat hygiene: Zoonoses and red meat processing
- Meat hygiene: Integrated food safety management principles for red meat
- Meat hygiene: Humane harvesting and welfare auditing in red meat processing
- Meat hygiene: Prevention and control of chemical contaminants and drug residues in red meat.
More information can be found under the topic International trade and marketing of animal commodities and products:
- General issues associated with international trade
- Standards and norms associated with international trade in animal commodities and products
- Assuring the biological safety of animal production (value) chains.